The Way We Work
Aatapi strives to maximise a community’s potential to leverage change by facilitating their movement from self (swa)- to group (samuh) to collective (samuday).
The Swa-Samuh-Samuday approach to community intervention has matured over a decade and led to the formation of four strong Community based platforms to facilitate social change.
Aatapi’s core values stress working in a collaborative framework to maximise the development of an area. Aatapi has collaborated with various stakeholders – Community Based Organisations (CBOs), government and non-government organisations, and corporate to create symbiotic partnerships.
Aatapi believes the power within — that lightbulb ‘get up, stand up’ moment when an individual becomes aware of their identity and rights – is often the first step on the path of social change.
Symbiotic Partnerships Linkages to Government Programmes

Our Work
Gainful Livelihood is seen as the key to economic empowerment of the community. Strengthening traditional and non-traditional sources of livelihood, capacity building, leadership development, skill training, community organisation, forging linkages with markets, banks and government schemes and nurturing entrepreneurship are fundamental to the success of livelihood initiatives. Read more

Self Help Groups and micro finance have emerged as the primary tools that paved the way for nurturing the capacities of women and empowering them to take their rightful place in their homes. As their contribution to the family economy is rendered visible in agriculture, animal husbandary and small enterprise they have been emboldened to participate in community development. Read more
Health and Well Being of the community are addressed by facilitating access to public health services and entitlements. Preventive health initiatives are a vital aspect of our work in this sector. Maternal and child health and adolescent health rights are core areas of intervention. Read more

Holistic Child Development, promotion of the Right’s of the Child and Education for an informed citizenry are special initiatives undertaken by Aatapi. The participation of children through Bal Senas is central to this programme Read more
Empowerment of Persons with Disability stresses a rights based approach. Aatapi has encouraged and facilitated the formation of village level groups of persons with disability A synergy of sharing has built a significant support base for this disadvantaged group to leverage change from a life of indignity and ostracization to a life of dignity and inclusion. Read more